
Why is psychological assessment helpful?
A good psychological evaluation gives parents, school personnel, and other professionals a better understanding of the child's personal strengths and weaknesses across domains important to learning and development. Identifying and understanding a problem is often the first step in solving it. Psychological testing provides diagnostic information needed to design school programming, home interventions, and possibly medical treatments.
What is included in a psychological evaluation?
Psychological testing is requested for a variety of purposes; therefore, an evaluation is designed based on the presenting concern. Most evaluations include the following components: parent and teacher interviews, a complete developmental history, a review of previous records, and direct testing of the child's cognitive, academic, visual-motor, memory, attention, and language skills. Interviews and questionnaires are also used to assess the child's emotional/behavioral functioning and adaptive skills. Specialized batteries are used to diagnose autism spectrum disorders.

What does the report include?
The report is a written document that provides a summary of all evaluation findings in an integrated and understandable format. Diagnostic impressions are provided and an extensive list of personalized recommendations is provided based on the child's profile.
How is insurance handled?
The office does not file insurance; however, a detailed bill is provided so that clients might file claims independently. Clients are advised to contact their insurance company before beginning the evaluation process if they are planning to seek reimbursement.